— Functioncomododir()
This function simply returns the string for the Comodo path. This is helpful for instance to load items, such as meshes, from the assets
` folder.
— Functionslidercontrol(hSlider,ax)
Adds arrow key control to sliders
This function adds arrow key control to Makie sliders. The inputs are the slider handle hSlider
as well as the axis ax
. If this function is called the slider can be advanced a step by pressing the right arrow, and returned one step by pressing the left arrow. When one presses and holds the right or left arrow key, the slider will continue to move (as fast as graphics updating is possible on your system) up to the end or start slider position respectively. Users may also use the up or down arrow keys. These function the same as the right and left arrow keys, however, rather than stopping at the slider extrema, the sliders position will "wrap" back to the start when advancing beyond the end position, and vice versa.
— Functionslider2anim(fig::Figure,hSlider::Slider,fileName::String; backforth=true, duration=2)
Exports movies from slider based visualisations.
Converts the effect of the slider defined by the slider handle hSlider
for the figure fig
to an animation/movie file
— Functionelements2indices(F)
Returns the indices contained in F
This function obtains the unique set of indices for the vertices (nodes) used by the the simplices defined by F
. The vector F
may contain any type of simplices. For instance the elements in F
may be of the type GeometryBasics.TriangleFace
or GeometryBasics.QuadFace
(or any other) for surface mesh data. However, volumetric elements of any type are permitted. In essence this function simply returns unique(reduce(vcat,F))
. Hence any suitable vector containing vectors of numbers permitted by reduce(vcat,F)
is supported.
— Functiongridpoints(x::Vector{T}, y=x, z=x) where T<:Real
Returns 3D grids of points
The gridpoints
function returns a vector of 3D points which span a grid in 3D space. Points are defined as per the input ranges or range vectors. The output point vector contains elements of the type Point
— Functiongridpoints_equilateral(xSpan,ySpan,pointSpacing::T; return_faces = false, rectangular=false) where T <: Real
Returns a "grid" of 3D points that are located on the corners of an equilateral triangle tesselation.
This function returns 3D point data in the form of a Vector{Point{3,Float64}}
. The point distribution is for an equilateral triangle tesselation. The input consists of the span in the x-, and y-direction, i.e. xSpan
and ySpan
respectively, as well as the desired pointSpacing
. The "spans" should be vectors or tuples defining the minimum and maximum coordinates for the grid. The true point spacing in the x-direction is computed such that a nearest whole number of steps can cover the required distance. Next this spacing is used to create the equilateral triangle point grid. Although the xSpan
is closely adhered to through this method, the ySpan
is not fully covered. In the y-direction the grid does start at the minimum level, but may stop short of reaching the maximum y as it may not be reachable in a whole number of steps from the minimum. Optional arguments include return_faces
(default is false
), which will cause the function to return triangular faces F
as well as the vertices V
. Secondly the option rectangular
will force the grid to conform to a rectangular domain. This means the "jagged" sides are forced to be flat such that all x-coordinates on the left are at the minimum in xSpan
and all on the right are at the maximum in xSpan
, however, this does result in a non-uniform spacing at these edges.
— Functioninterp_biharmonic_spline(x::Union{Vector{T}, AbstractRange{T}},y::Union{Vector{T}, AbstractRange{T}},xi::Union{Vector{T}, AbstractRange{T}}; extrapolate_method=:linear,pad_data=:linear) where T<:Real
Interpolates 1D (curve) data using biharmonic spline interpolation
This function uses biharmonic spline interpolation [1], which features radial basis functions. The input is assumed to represent ordered data, i.e. consequtive unique points on a curve. The curve x-, and y-coordinates are provided through the input parameters x
and y
respectively. The third input xi
defines the sites at which to interpolate. Each of in the input parameters can be either a vector or a range.
— Functioninterp_biharmonic(x,y,xi)
Interpolates n-dimensional data using biharmonic spline interpolation
This function uses biharmonic interpolation [1]. The input x
should define a vector consisting of m points which are n-dimensional, and the input y
should be a vector consisting of m scalar data values.
— Functionnbezier(P,n)
Returns a Bezier spline for the control points P whose order matches the numbe of control points provided.
This function returns n
points for an m-th order Bézier spline, based on the m control points contained in the input vector P
. This function supports point vectors with elements of the type AbstractPoint{3}
(e.g. Point{3, Float64}
) or Vector{Float64}
— Functionlerp(x::Union{T,Vector{T}, AbstractRange{T}},y,xi::Union{T,Vector{T}, AbstractRange{T}}) where T <: Real
Linear interpolation
This linearly interpolates (lerps) the input data specified by the sites x
and data y
at the specified sites xi
— Functiondist(V1,V2)
Computes n-dimensional Euclidean distances
Function compute an nxm distance matrix for the n inputs points in V1
, and the m input points in V2
. The input points may be multidimensional, in fact they can be any type supported by the euclidean
function of Distances.jl
. See also:
— Functionmindist(V1,V2; getIndex=false, skipSelf = false )
Returns nearest point distances
Returns the closest point distance for the input points V1
with respect to the input points V2
. If the optional parameter getIndex
is set to true
by default) then this function also returns the indices of the nearest points in V2
for each point in V1
. For self-distance evaluation, i.e. if the same point set is provided twice, then the optional parameter skipSelf
can be set t0 true
(default is false
) if "self distances" (e.g. the nth point to the nth point) are to be avoided.
— Functionunique_dict_index(X::Union{Array{T},Tuple{T}}; sort_entries=false) where T <: Any
Returns unique values and indices
Returns the unique entries in X
as well as the indices for them. The optional parameter sort_entries
(default is false
) can be set to true
if each entry in X should be sorted, this is helpful to allow the entry [1,2] to be seen as the same as [2,1] for instance.
— Functionunique_dict_index_inverse(X::Union{Array{T},Tuple{T}}; sort_entries=false) where T <: Any
Returns unique values, indices, and inverse indices
Returns the unique entries in X
as well as the indices for them and the reverse indices to retrieve the original from the unique entries. The optional parameter sort_entries
(default is false
) can be set to true
if each entry in X should be sorted, this is helpful to allow the entry [1,2] to be seen as the same as [2,1] for instance.
— Functionunique_dict_index_count(X::Union{Array{T},Tuple{T}}; sort_entries=false) where T <: Any
Returns unique values, indices, and counts
Returns the unique entries in X
as well as the indices for them and the counts in terms of how often they occured. The optional parameter sort_entries
(default is false
) can be set to true
if each entry in X should be sorted, this is helpful to allow the entry [1,2] to be seen as the same as [2,1] for instance.
— Functionunique_dict_index_inverse_count(X::Union{Array{T},Tuple{T}}; sort_entries=false) where T <: Any
Returns unique values, indices, inverse indices, and counts
Returns the unique entries in X
as well as the indices for them and the reverse indices to retrieve the original from the unique entries, and also the counts in terms of how often they occured. The optional parameter sort_entries
(default is false
) can be set to true
if each entry in X should be sorted, this is helpful to allow the entry [1,2] to be seen as the same as [2,1] for instance.
— Functionunique_dict_count(X::Union{Array{T},Tuple{T}}; sort_entries=false) where T <: Any
Returns unique values and counts
Returns the unique entries in X
as well as the counts in terms of how often they occured. The optional parameter sort_entries
(default is false
) can be set to true
if each entry in X should be sorted, this is helpful to allow the entry [1,2] to be seen as the same as [2,1] for instance.
— Functionunique_dict_inverse(X::Union{Array{T},Tuple{T}}; sort_entries=false) where T <: Any
Returns unique values and inverse indices
Returns the unique entries in X
as well as the reverse indices to retrieve the original from the unique entries. The optional parameter sort_entries
(default is false
) can be set to true
if each entry in X should be sorted, this is helpful to allow the entry [1,2] to be seen as the same as [2,1] for instance.
— Functionunique_dict(X::AbstractVector{T}) where T <: Real
Returns unique values, indices, and inverse indices. Uses an OrderedDict.
Returns the unique entries in X
as well as the indices for them and the reverse indices to retrieve the original from the unique entries.
— Functiongunique(X; return_unique=true, return_index=false, return_inverse=false, return_counts=false, sort_entries=false)
Returns unique values and allows users to choose if they also want: sorting, indices, inverse indices, and counts.
Returns the unique entries in X
. Depending on the optional parameter choices the indices for the unique entries, the reverse indices to retrieve the original from the unique entries, as well as counts in terms of how often they occured, can be returned. The optional parameter sort_entries
(default is false
) can be set to true
if each entry in X should be sorted, this is helpful to allow the entry [1,2] to be seen as the same as [2,1] for instance.
— Functionunique_simplices(F,V=nothing)
Returns unique simplices (such as faces), independant of node order
Returns the unique simplices in F as well as the indices of the unique simplices and the reverse indices to retrieve the original faces from the unique faces. Entries in F are sorted such that the node order does not matter.
— Functionind2sub(siz,ind)
Converts linear indices to subscript indices.
Converts the linear indices in ind
, for a matrix/array with size siz
, to the equivalent subscript indices.
— Functionsub2ind(siz,A)
Converts subscript indices to linear indices.
Converts the subscript indices in A
, for a matrix/array with size siz
, to the equivalent linear indices.
— Functionmeshedges(F::Array{NgonFace{N,T},1}; unique_only=false) where N where T<:Integer
Returns a mesh's edges.
This function returns the edges E
for the input faces defined by F
. The input F
can either represent a vector of faces or a GeometryBasics.Mesh. The convention is such that for a face referring to the nodes 1-2-3-4, the edges are 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-1.
— Functionicosahedron(r=1.0)
Creates an icosahedron mesh.
Creates a GeometryBasics.Mesh for an icosahedron with radius r
. The default radius, when not supplied, is 1.0
— Functionoctahedron(r=1.0)
Creates an octahedron mesh.
Creates a GeometryBasics.Mesh for an octahedron with radius r
. The default radius, when not supplied, is 1.0
— Functiondodecahedron(r=1.0)
Creates a dodecahedron mesh.
Creates a GeometryBasics.Mesh for an dodecahedron with radius r
. The default radius, when not supplied, is 1.0
— Functioncube(r=1.0)
Creates a cube mesh.
Creates a GeometryBasics.Mesh for an cube with radius r
. The default radius, when not supplied, is 1.0
— Functiontetrahedron(r=1.0)
Creates a tetrahedron mesh.
Creates a GeometryBasics.Mesh for an tetrahedron with radius r
. The default radius, when not supplied, is 1.0
— Functionplatonicsolid(n,r=1.0)
Returns a platonic solid mesh.
Creates a GeometryBasics mesh description for a platonic solid of choice. The input n
defines the choice.
- tetrahedron
- cube
- octahedron
- icosahedron
- dodecahedron
The final input parameter r
defines the radius of the platonic solid (the radius of the circumsphere to the vertices). The default radius, when not supplied, is 1.0
n::Integer, defining platonic solid type r::Float64, defining circumsphere radius
— Functiontofaces(FM::Vector{Vector{TF}}) where TF<:Integer
tofaces(FM::Matrix{TF}) where TF<:Integer
tofaces(FM::Vector{NgonFace{m, OffsetInteger{-1, TF}}} ) where m where TF <: Integer
tofaces(FM::Vector{NgonFace{m, TF}} ) where m where TF <: Integer
Converts input to GeometryBasics compliant faces with standard integer types.
The tofaces
function converts "non-standard" (for Comodo) face set descriptions to "standard" ones. The following is considered such as standard: Vector{GeometryBasics.NgonFace{N,T}} where N where T<:Integer
The input faces FM
are converted to this format. FM
can be of the following types:
FM::Vector{Vector{TF}} where TF<:Integer
, whereby each Vector entry is
considered a face
FM::Matrix{TF} where TF<:Integer
, whereby each row is considered a faceVector{NgonFace{m, OffsetInteger{-1, TF}}} where TF<:Integer
, whereby the
special integer type OffsetInteger{-1, TF}
is converted to Int
. If the intput is already of the right type this function leaves the input unchanged.
— Functiontopoints(VM::Matrix{T}) where T<: Real
topoints(VM::Union{Array{Vec{N, T}, 1}, GeometryBasics.StructArray{TT,1} }) where TT <: AbstractPoint{N,T} where T <: Real where N
topoints(VM::Vector{Vector{T}}) where T <: Real
topoints(VM::Vector{Point{ND,TV}}) where ND where TV <: Real
Converts input to GeometryBasics compliant simple points without meta content.
The topoints
function converts the "non-standard" (for Comodo) input points defined by VM
to the "standard" format: VM::Vector{Point{ND,TV}} where ND where TV <: Real
. For matrix input each row is considered a point. For vector input each vector entry is considered a point.
— Functiontogeometrybasics_mesh
Converts the input to a GeometryBasics.Mesh
This function converts the input faces F
and vertices V
to a GeometryBasics.Mesh. The function tofaces
and topoints
are used prior to conversion, to ensure standard faces and point types are used.
— Functionedgecrossproduct(F,V::Vector{Point{ND,T}}) where ND where T<:Real
Returns the edge cross product, useful for nomal direction and area computations.
# Description
This function computes the so-called edge-cross-product for a input mesh that is either defined by the faces F
and vertices V
— Functionfacenormal(F,V)
Returns the normal directions for each face.
This function computes the per face normal directions for the input mesh defined either by the faces F
and vertices V
or by the GeometryBasics mesh M
— Functionfacearea(F,V)
Returns the area for each face.
This function computes the per face area for the input mesh defined either by the faces F
and vertices V
or by the GeometryBasics mesh M
— Functionvertexnormal(F,V; weighting=:area)
Returns the surface normal at each vertex.
This function computes the per vertex surface normal directions for the input mesh defined either by the faces F
and vertices V
or by the GeometryBasics mesh M
. The optional parameter weighting
sets how the face normal directions are averaged onto the vertices. If weighting=:none
a plain average for the surrounding faces is used. If instead weighting=:area
(default), then the average is weighted based on the face areas.
— Functionedgelengths(E::LineFace,V)
Returns edge lengths.
This function computes the lengths of the edges defined by edge vector E
(e.g as obtained from meshedges(F,V)
, where F
is a face vector, and V
is a vector of vertices. Alternatively the input mesh can be a GeometryBasics mesh M
— Functionsubtri(F,V,n; method = :linear)
subtri(F,V,n; method = :Loop)
Refines triangulations through splitting.
The subtri
function refines triangulated meshes iteratively. For each iteration each original input triangle is split into 4 triangles to form the refined mesh (one central one, and 3 at each corner). The following refinement methods are implemented:
: This is the default method, and refines the triangles in a simple linear manor through splitting. Each input edge simply obtains a new mid-edge node.
: This method features Loop-subdivision [1,2]. Rather than linearly splitting edges and maintaining the original coordinates, as for the linear method, this method computes the new points in a special weighted sense such that the surface effectively approaches a "quartic box spline". Hence this method both refines and smoothes the geometry through spline approximation.
— Functionsubquad(F::Vector{NgonFace{4,TF}},V::Vector{Point{ND,TV}},n::Int; method=:linear) where TF<:Integer where ND where TV <: Real subquad(F::Vector{NgonFace{4,TF}},V::Vector{Point{ND,TV}},n::Int; method=:Catmull_Clark) where TF<:Integer where ND where TV <: Real
Refines quadrangulations through splitting.
The subquad
function refines quad meshes iteratively. For each iteration each original input quad is split into 4 smaller quads to form the refined mesh. The following refinement methods are implemented:
: This is the default method, and refines the quads in a simple linear manor through splitting. Each input edge simply obtains a new mid-edge node, and each face obtains a new central node.
: This method features Catmull_Clark-subdivision [1]. Rather than linearly splitting edges and maintaining the original coordinates, as for the linear method, this method computes the new points in a special weighted sense such that the surface effectively approaches a bicubic B-spline surface. Hence this method both refines and smoothes the geometry through spline approximation.
— Functiongeosphere(n::Int,r::T; method=:linear) where T <: Real
Returns a geodesic sphere triangulation
This function returns a geodesic sphere triangulation based on the number of refinement iterations n
and the radius r
. Geodesic spheres (aka Buckminster-Fuller spheres) are triangulations of a sphere that have near uniform edge lenghts. The algorithm starts with a regular icosahedron. Next this icosahedron is refined n
times, while nodes are pushed to a sphere surface with radius r
at each iteration. Two methods are available, i.e. :linear
(default) and :Loop
(see also subtri
). The former features simply linear splitting while the latter features the Loop method which may produce a smoother result.
— Functionhexbox(boxDim,boxEl)
Returns a hexahedral mesh of a box
This function returns a hexahedral mesh for a 3D rectangular box domain.
— Functioncon_face_edge(F,E_uni=nothing,indReverse=nothing)
Returns the edges connected to each face.
This function computes the face-edge connectivity. The input faces F
(and optionally also the unique edges E_uni
and reverse indices indReverse
to map to the non-unique edges, see also gunique
) are used to create a list of edges connected to each face. If F
contains N faces then the output contains N such lists. For triangles the output contains 3 edges per faces, for quads 4 per face and so on.
— Functionconedgeface(F,E_uni=nothing,indReverse=nothing)
Returns the faces connected to each edge.
This function computes the edge-face connectivity. The input faces F
(and optionally also the unique edges E_uni
and reverse indices indReverse
to map to the non-unique edges, see also gunique
) are used to create a list of faces connected to each edges. If E_uni
contains N edges then the output contains N such lists. For non-boundary edges each edge should connect to 2 faces. Boundary edges connect to just 1 face.
— Functioncon_face_face(F,E_uni=nothing,indReverse=nothing,con_E2F=nothing,con_F2E=nothing)
Returns the edge-connected faces for each face.
This function computes the face-face connectivity for each face. The input faces F
are used to create a list of faces connected to each face by a shared edge. For non-boundary triangles for instance the output contains 3 edges per faces (which may be less for boundary triangles), and similarly non-boundary quads would each have 4 edge-connected faces. Additional optional inputs include: the unique edges E_uni
, the reverse indices indReverse
to map to the non-unique edges (see also gunique
), as well as the edge-face con_E2F
and face-edge con_F2E
connectivity. These are all needed for computing the face-face connectivity and supplying them if already computed therefore save time.
— Functioncon_face_face_v(F,V=nothing,con_V2F=nothing)
Returns the vertex-connected faces for each face.
This function computes the face-face connectivity for each face. The input faces F
are used to create a list of faces connected to each face by a shared vertex. Additional optional inputs include: the vertices V
, and the vertex-face connectivity con_V2F
. In terms of vertices only the number of vertices, i.e. length(V)
is neede, if V
is not provided it is assumed that length(V)
corresponds to the largest index in F
. The vertex-face connectivity if not supplied, will be computed by this function, hence computational time may be saved if it was already computed.
— Functioncon_vertex_simplex(F,V=nothing)
Returns how vertices connect to simplices
This function computes the vertex-simplex connectivity for each vertex. The input simplices F
are used to create a list of simplices connected to each vertex. Additional optional inputs include: the vertices V
. In terms of vertices only the number of vertices, i.e. length(V)
is needed, if V
is not provided it is assumed that length(V)
corresponds to the largest index in F
— Functioncon_vertex_face(F,V=nothing)
Returns how vertices connect to faces
This function is an alias of con_vertex_simplex
, and computes the vertex-face connectivity for each vertex. The input faces F
are used to create a list of faces connected to each vertex. Additional optional inputs include: the vertices V
. In terms of vertices only the number of vertices, i.e. length(V)
is needed, if V
is not provided it is assumed that length(V)
corresponds to the largest index in F
— Functioncon_vertex_edge(F,V=nothing)
Returns how vertices connect to edges
This function is an alias of con_vertex_simplex
, and computes the vertex-edge connectivity for each vertex. The input edges E
are used to create a list of edges connected to each vertex. Additional optional inputs include: the vertices V
. In terms of vertices only the number of vertices, i.e. length(V)
is needed, if V
is not provided it is assumed that length(V)
corresponds to the largest index in E
— Functioncon_edge_edge(E_uni,con_V2E=nothing)
Returns the vertex-connected edges for each edge.
This function computes the edge-edge connectivity for each edge. The input edges F
are used to create a list of edges connected to each edge by a shared vertex. Additional optional inputs include: con_V2E
(the vertex-edge connectivity), which is instead computed when not provided.
— Functioncon_vertex_vertex_f(F,V=nothing,con_V2F=nothing)
Returns the face-connected vertices for each vertex.
This function computes the vertex-vertex connectivity for each vertex using the vertex connected faces. The input faces F
are used to create a list of vertices connected to each vertex by a shared face. Additional optional inputs include: the vertices V
and con_V2F
(the vertex-face connectivity). In terms of vertices only the number of vertices, i.e. length(V)
is needed, if V
is not provided it is assumed that length(V)
corresponds to the largest index in F
. The vertex-face connectivity con_V2F
is needed, hence is computed when not provided.
— Functioncon_vertex_vertex(E,V=nothing,con_V2E=nothing)
Returns the edge-connected vertices for each vertex.
This function computes the vertex-vertex connectivity for each vertex using the vertex connected edges. The input edges E
are used to create a list of vertices connected to each vertex by a shared edge. Additional optional inputs include: the vertices V
and con_V2E
(the vertex-edge connectivity). In terms of vertices only the number of vertices, i.e. length(V)
is needed, if V
is not provided it is assumed that length(V)
corresponds to the largest index in E
. The vertex-edge connectivity con_V2E
is needed, hence is computed when not provided.
— Functionmeshconnectivity(F::Vector{NgonFace{N,TF}},V::Vector{Point{ND,TV}}) where N where TF<:Integer where ND where TV<:Real
Returns all mesh connectivity data
This function returns the ConnectivitySet
, i.e. all mesh connectivity data for the input mesh defined by the faces F
and the vertices V
. The ConnectivitySet
contains the following connectivity descriptions:
- face-edge
- edge-face
- face-face
- face-face (wrt vertices)
- vertex-face
- vertex-edge
- edge-edge
- vertex-vertex
- vertex-vertex (wrt faces)
— Functionmergevertices(F::Vector{NgonFace{N,TF}},V::Vector{Point{ND,TV}}; roundVertices = true, numDigitsMerge=nothing) where N where TF<:Integer where ND where TV<:Real
Merges points that coincide
This function take the faces F
and vertices V
and merges points that are sufficiently similar. Once points are merged the indices in F
are corrected for the new reduced point set.
— Functionsmoothmesh_laplacian(F,V,con_V2V=nothing; n=1, λ=0.5)
This function implements weighted Laplacian mesh smoothing. At each iteration, this method replaces each point by an updated coordinate based on the mean coordinates of that point's Laplacian umbrella. The update features a lerp like weighting between the previous iterations coordinates and the mean coordinates. The code features Vs[q] = (1.0-λ).*Vs[q] .+ λ*mean(V[con_V2V[q]])
As can be seen, the weighting is controlled by the input parameter λ
which is in the range (0,1). If λ=0
then no smoothing occurs. If λ=1
then pure Laplacian mean based smoothing occurs. For intermediate values a linear blending between the two occurs.
— Functionsmoothmesh_hc(F::Vector{NgonFace{N,TF}},V::Vector{Point{ND,TV}}, n=1, α=0.1, β=0.5; con_V2V=nothing, tolDist=nothing, constrained_points=nothing) where N where TF<:Integer where ND where TV<:Real
This function implements HC (Humphrey's Classes) smoothing [1]. This method uses Laplacian like smoothing but aims to compensate for shrinkage/swelling by also "pushing back" towards the original coordinates.
— Functionquadplate(plateDim,plateElem; orientation=:up)
Returns a quad mesh for a plate
This function creates a quadrilateral mesh (faces F
and vertices V
) for a plate. The dimensions in the x-, and y-direction are specified in the input vector plateDim
, and the number of elements to use in each direction in the input vector plateElem
— Functionquadsphere(n::Int,r::T) where T <: Real
Returns a quadrangulated sphere
This function creates a quadrilateral mesh (faces F
and vertices V
) for a sphere with a radius defined by the input r
. The input n
defines the density of sphere mesh. The quad mesh is constructed using subquad
subdivision of a regular cube, whereby n
sets the number of splitting iterations to use. Using n=0
therefore returns a cube.
— Functionloftlinear(V1,V2;num_steps=2,close_loop=true,face_type=:tri)
Lofts surface between curves
The loftlinear
function spans a surface from input curve V1
to curve V2
. The surface is formed by "lerping" curves from V1
to V2
in num_steps
steps, and forming mesh faces between each curve. If close_loop==true
then it is assumed the curves (and therefore the output surface mesh should be closed over, i.e. that a connection should be made between each curve end and start point. The user can request different face types for the output. The default is face_type=:tri
which will form isoceles triangles (or equilateral triangles if the spacing is even) for a planar curve. The other face_type
options supported are :quad
(quadrilateral), and :tri_slash
. For the latter, triangles are formed by slashing the quads.
: n-vectorV2::Vector
: n-vector
— Functionpointspacingmean(V::Vector{Point3{Float64}})
pointspacingmean(F::Array{NgonFace{N, Int}, 1},V::Vector{Point3{Float64}}) where N
The pointspacingmean
function computes the mean spacing between points. The input can be just the coordinate set V
, a vector of Point3 points, or also a set of edges E
or faces F
. If only V
is provided it is assumed that V
represents an ordered set of "adjacent" points, e.g. as for a curve. If a vector of edges E
or a vector of faces F is also provided, then the average edge length is computed. If instead a set of faces
F` is provided then edges are first computed after which the mean edge spacing is return.
— Functionray_triangle_intersect(F::Vector{TriangleFace{Int}},V,ray_origin,ray_vector; rayType = :ray, triSide = 1, tolEps = eps(Float64))
ray_triangle_intersect(f::TriangleFace{Int},V,ray_origin,ray_vector; rayType = :ray, triSide = 1, tolEps = eps(Float64))
This function can compute triangle-ray or triangle-line intersections through the use of the "Möller-Trumbore triangle-ray intersection algorithm" [1]. The required inputs are as follows:
an single face or a vector of faces, e.g. Vector{TriangleFace{Int}}
The triangle vertices as a vector of points, i.e. Vector{Point{3, Float64}}
The ray vector which can be Vector{Point{3, Float64}}
or Vec3{Float64}
The following optional input parameters can be provided: rayType = :ray
(default) or :line
. This defines wether the vector is treated as a ray (extends indefinately) or as a line (finite length) triSide = 1
(default) or 0
or -1
. When triSide=1
only the inward intersections are considered, e.g. when the ray or line enters the shape (ray/line is pointing against face normal) When triSide=-1
only the outward intersections are considered, e.g. when the ray or line exits the shape (ray/line is pointing allong face normal) When triSide=0
both inward and outward intersections are considered. tolEps = eps(Float64)
— Functionmesh_curvature_polynomial(F::Vector{TriangleFace{Int}},V::Vector{Point3{Float64}})
This function computes the mesh curvature at each vertex for the input mesh defined by the face F
and the vertices V
. A local polynomial is fitted to each point's "Laplacian umbrella" (point neighbourhood), and the curvature of this fitted form is derived. Instead of the mesh faces and vertices one may instead specify the GeometryBasics.Mesh
as the input.
The reference below [1] provides more detail on the algorithm. In addition, this implementation was created with the help of this helpful document, which features a nice overview of the theory/steps involved in this algorithm.
— Functionseparate_vertices(F::Array{NgonFace{N, Int}, 1},V::Array{Point{M, T}, 1}) where N where M where T<:Real
This function takes the input mesh defined by the faces F
and vertices V
and separates any shared vertices. It does this by giving each face its own set of unshared vertices. Note that any unused points are not returned in the output point array Vn
. Indices for the mapping are not created here but can simply be obtained using reduce(vcat,F)
— Functionevenly_sample(V::Vector{Point{ND,TV}}, n::Int; rtol = 1e-8, niter = 1) where ND where TV<:Real
Evenly samples curves.
This function aims to evenly resample the input curve defined by the ND points V
using n
points. The function returns the resampled points as well as the spline interpolator S
used. The output points can also be retriebed by using: S.(range(0.0, 1.0, n))
. Note that the even sampling is defined in terms of the curve length for a 4th order natural B-spline that interpolates the input data. Hence if significant curvature exists for the B-spline between two adjacent data points then the spacing between points in the output may be non-uniform (despite the allong B-spline distance being uniform).
— Functioninvert_faces(F::Vector{NgonFace{N, TF}, 1}) where N where TF<:Integer
Flips face orientations.
This function inverts the faces in F
, such that the face normal will be flipped, by reversing the node order for each face.
— FunctionR = kabsch_rot(V1::Array{Point{N, T}, 1},V2::Array{Point{N, TT}, 1}) where N where T<:Real where TT<:Real
Computes the rotation tensor R
to rotate the points in V1
to best match the points in V2
Wolfgang Kabsch, A solution for the best rotation to relate two sets of vectors, Acta Crystallographica Section A, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 922-923, 1976, doi: 10.1107/S0567739476001873
— FunctionF,V = sweeploft(Vc,V1,V2; face_type=:quad, num_twist = 0, close_loop=true)
This function implements swept lofting. The start curve V1
is pulled allong the guide curve Vc
while also gradually (linearly) morphing into the end curve V2
. The optional parameter face_type
(default :quad) defines the type of mesh faces uses. The same face types as loftlinear
and extrudecurve
are supported, i.e. :quad
, :tri_slash
, tri
, or quad2tri
. The optional parameter num_twist
(default is 0) can be used to add an integer number (negative or positive) of full twists to the loft. Finally the optional parameter close_loop
(default is true
) determines if the section curves are deemed closed or open ended.
— Functionrevolvecurve(Vc::Vector{Point{ND,TV}}; extent = 2.0*pi, direction=:positive, n=Vec{3, Float64}(0.0,0.0,1.0),num_steps=nothing,close_loop=true,face_type=:quad) where ND where TV<:Real
Revolves curves to build surfaces
This function rotates the curve Vc
by the angle extent
, in the direction defined by direction
, :negative
, :both
), around the vector n
, to build the output mesh defined by the faces F
and vertices V
— Functionbatman(n::Int)
The batman
function creates points on the curve for the Batman logo. The curve is useful for testing surface meshing algorithms since it contains sharp transitions and pointy features. The user requests n
points on the curve. The default forces exactly n
points which may result in an assymetric curve. To instead force symmetry the user can set the optional parameter symmetric=true
. In this case the output will be symmetric allong the y-axis, however the number of points on the curve may have increased (if the input n
is not even). The second optional input is the direction of the curve, i.e. if it is clockwise, dir=:cw
or anti-clockwise dir=:acw
. The implementation is based on a "parameterised Batman equation" 1. The following modifications where made, the curve is here centered around [0,0,0], scaled to be 2 in width, resampled evenly, and the default curve direction is anti-clockwise.
— Functiontridisc(r=1.0,n=0; ngon=6, method = :linear, orientation=:up)
Generates the faces F
and vertices V
for a triangulated disc (circle). The algorithm starts with a triangulated hexagon (obtained if n=0
) and uses iterative subtriangulation, and uses iterative subdivision (and pushing of boundary points to circular boundary) to obtain the final mesh. The subdivision method
is an optional input, and is either :Loop
(default) or :linear
. Lastly the optional input orientation
, which can be :up
or :down
sets the face normal direction.
— Functionregiontrimesh(VT,R,P)
Generates a multi-region triangle mesh for the input regions. The boundary curves for all regions are containedin the tuple VT
. Each region to be meshed is next defined using a tuple R
containing indices into the curve typle VT
. If an entry in R
contains only one index then the entire curve domain is meshed. If R
contains multiple indices then the first index is assumed to be for the outer boundary curve, while all subsequent indices are for boundaries defining holes in this region.
— Functionscalesimplex(F,V,s)
Scales faces (or general simplices) wrt their centre.
This function scales each simplex (e.g. a face) wrt their centre (mean of coordinates). This function is useful in generating lattice structures from elements as well as to create visualisations whereby "looking into" the mesh is needed.
— Functionsubcurve(V,n)
Adds n
points between each curve point.
This function adds n
points between each current point on the curve V
— Functiondualclad(F::Vector{NgonFace{N, TF}},V::Vector{Point{ND,TV}},s::T; connectivity=:face) where N where TF<:Integer where ND where TV<:Real where T<:Real
Returns a surface conforming dual lattice
— Functiontet2hex(E::Vector{Tet4{T}},V::Vector{Point{ND,TV}}) where T<:Integer where ND where TV<:Real
Converts tetrahedra to hexahedra
This function converts the input tetrahedra defined by the element set E
and the vertex set V
to a set of hexahedral elements Eh
with vertices Vh
. The conversion involves a splitting of each tetrahedron into 4 hexahedra.
— Functionelement2faces(E::Vector{Element{N,T}}) where N where T
Returns element faces
This function computes the faces for the input elements defined by E
. The elements should be Vectors consisting of Tet4
, Hex8
— Functionsubhex(E::Vector{Hex8{T}},V::Vector{Point{ND,TV}},n::Int; direction=0) where T<:Integer where ND where TV<:Real
Split hexahedral elements
This function splits the hexahedral elements defined by the elements E
and vertices V
. Splitting is done n
times as requested. By default the splitting occurs in all direction (corresponding to the default direction=0
). If instead direction
is set to 1, 2, or 3, then the splitting only occur in the first, second or third local element direction respectively. Note that this direction depends on node order used. For a hexahedron where by nodes 1:4 are for the bottom, and nodes 5:8 are for the top of the element then the directions 1, 2, and 3 correspond to the x-, y-, and z-direction respectively.
— Functionrhombicdodecahedron(r = 1.0)
Creates mesh for rhombicdodecahedron
This function creates the faces F
and vertices V
for a rhombicdodecahedron. The size of the shape is set by the width w
in the xy-plane.
— Functiontri2quad(F,V; method=:split)
Converts triangles to quads
This function converts the input triangular mesh, defined by the faces F
and vertices V
, to a quadrangulation. The method for this conversion is set using the attribute method
which can be set to :split
, splitting each triangle into 3 quads by introducing a new central node, or :rhombic
. whereby each triangle edge is used to construct a rhombic quadrilateral face.
— Functiontetgenmesh(F::Array{NgonFace{N,TF}, 1},V::Vector{Point{3,TV}}; facetmarkerlist=nothing, V_regions=nothing,region_vol=nothing,V_holes=nothing,stringOpt="paAqYQ") where N where TF<:Integer where TV<:Real
Creates a tetrahedral mesh
This function uses the TetGen.jl library to mesh the input geometry defined by the faces F
and the vertices V
using tetrahedral elements. Several optional input parameters are available:
, a vector of integers with the same length asF
and defines a face label for each face.V_regions
, a vector of points inside regions which require tetrahedral meshing.region_vol
, a vector of scalar values to denote the desired tetrahedral volume for each region.V_holes
, a vector of points inside holes (voids) that should remain empty.stringOpt
, the TetGen command string to use. See also the TetGen documentation.
— Functionsurfacevolume(F::Vector{NgonFace{N,TF}},V::Vector{Point{ND,TV}}) where N where TF<:Integer where ND where TV<:Real
Computes closed surface volume
This function computes the volume of a closed surface defined by the faces F
and the vertices V
— Functiontetvolume(E::Vector{Tet4{T}},V::Vector{Point{ND,TV}}) where T<:Integer where ND where TV<:Real
Computes tetrahedral volumes
This function computes the volume for each tetrahedron defined by the input E
, a vector of Tet4 elements, and V
the point coordinates.
— Functionextrudefaces(F::Vector{NgonFace{NF,TF}},V::Vector{Point{ND,TV}}; extent=1.0, direction=:positive, num_steps=2, N::Union{Vector{Point{ND,TN}},Vector{Vec{ND, TN}},Nothing}=nothing) where NF where TF<:Integer where ND where TV<:Real where TN<:Real
Extrudes/thickens faces to form elements
The inputs surface mesh, defined by the faces F
and vertices V
is extruded to create volumetric elements. Quadrilateral and triangular input faces are supported. These extrude into hexahedral and pentahedral elements respectively. The following input parameters are defined:
(default = 1.0) the length of the extrusiondirection
is a symbol that is either:positive
, or:both
The extrusion vectors. The default is nothing in which case the local
vertex normals are used.
(default is 2) is the number of nodes in the extrude direction, the
number of elements in the extrude direction is therefore num_steps-1
— Functionfilletcurve(V::Vector{Point{NV,TV}}; rMax::Union{Vector{T},T,Nothing}=nothing, constrain_method = :max, n=25, close_loop = false, eps_level = 1e-6) where TV<:Real where NV where T<:Real
Fillets/rounds curves
The function takes in a curve defined by the points V
and applies filleting (or rounding) to each "corner" (i.e. a point between two neighbouring points). The maximum radius rMax
is used as the largest possible radius to use. If this, radius is not possible (e.g. if input points are too close), then a lower Radius is used.
— Functionsquircle(r::T,n::Int,τ=0.5; atol=1e-6, dir=:acw) where T <: Real
Creates the squircle curve
This function returns n
points on a squircle. The squircle curve is defined using the radius r
, and the parameter τ
. The latter controls the morphing between a circle (τ=0
) and square (τ=1
— Functioncirclerange(n::Int; dir=:acw, deg=false)
Creates circular angles
This function returns n
angles for an even circular distribution of points. The optional input dir
can be set to :acw
(default) resulting in an anti-clockwise set of angles, and can be set to :cw
for a clockwise set of angles. Angles are returned in radians since deg
is false
by default. Using deg=true
results in angles in degrees.
— Functionedgefaceangles(F::Vector{NgonFace{NF,TF}},V::Vector{Point{ND,TV}}; deg=false) where NF where TF<:Integer where ND where TV<:Real
Computed angles between faces
This function computes the angle between two faces for each unique edge in the mesh specified by F
and the vertices V
. If the input mesh consists of n unique edges then the output features n angles. For boundary edges, where no pair of faces exists, the angle returned is NaN. The default behaviour results in angles being computed in radians. However by specifying deg=true
the user can request degrees instead. Finally two additional outputs are created, namely the unique edge vector E_uni
as well as the edge-to-face connectivity vector ,con_E2F
— Functionfaceanglesegment(F::Vector{NgonFace{NF,TF}},V::Vector{Point{ND,TV; deg=false, angleThreshold = pi/8, indStart = 1) where NF where TF<:Integer where ND where TV<:Real
Segments surfaces using face angles
This function takes in a surface mesh defined by the faces F
and the vertices V
, and segments the surface mesh based on face angles. The output consists of a "feature label" vector G
(a Vector{Int}, with the same length of F
) whereby adjacent faces whosee angle is smaller or equal to the angleThreshold
(default is pi/8) receive the same label. Hence this function allows one to find all faces with a similar orientation, for instance all top or side faces of some mesh. The function uses radians by default. However, buy specifying the optional parameter deg=true
the user request that angles and the angleThreshold
are in degrees.
— Functioneulerchar(F,V=nothing; E=nothing)
Computes the Euler characteristic
This function computes the Euler characteristic for the input surface defined by the faces F
and vertices V
. The edges E
are on optional input. The Euler characteristic is defined as: X = nV-nE-nF
, where nV
, nE
, and nF
define the number of surface vertices, edges, and faces respectively. It is assumed all inputs are set of unique entities, e.g. no vertices, edges, or faces occur multiple times.
— Functionrhombicdodecahedronfoam(w::T,n::Union{Tuple{Vararg{Int, 3}}, Array{Int, 3}}; merge = true, orientation = :allign) where T<:Real
Creates a rhombicdodecahedron foam
This function creates a rhombicdodecahedron foam structure with a desired number of cells in each direction. The input is the cell width w
and a 1-by-3 tuple n
defining the number of cells in each direction. The output consists of the set of rhombic dodecahedron elements E
and their vertex coordinates V
— Functiontruncatedoctahedron(w=1.0)
Creates a truncated octahedron
This function creates a truncated octahedron. The input cell width w
is used to define the cell faces F
and vertices V
— Functionkelvinfoam(w::T,n::Union{Tuple{Vararg{Int, 3}}, Array{Int, 3}}; merge = true) where T<:Real
Creates a Kelvin foam
This function creates a Kelvin foam structure with a desired number of cells in each direction. The input is the cell width w
and a 1-by-3 tuple n
defining the number of cells in each direction. The output consists of the set of truncated octahedron elements E
and their vertex coordinates V
— Functionminp(V::Vector{Point{N,T}}) where N where T <:Real
Returns minimum coordinates
This function computes the minimum coordinates for all points. Points can be N-dimensional and the output is another point of the same dimensionality but with the lowest coordinate value for each direction.
— Functionmaxp(V::Vector{Point{N,T}}) where N where T <:Real
Returns maximum coordinates
This function computes the maximum coordinates for all points. Points can be N-dimensional and the output is another point of the same dimensionality but with the highest coordinate value for each direction.
— Functionntrapezohedron(n,r=1.0)
Constructs an n-trapezohedron
This function creates the faces F
and vertices V
for an n-trapezohedron.
The implementation is based on the equations presented here:
— Functionspacing2numvertices(F::Vector{TriangleFace{TF}},V::Vector{Point{ND,TV}},pointSpacing::TP) where TF<:Integer where ND where TV<:Real where TP<:Real
Point numbers from spacing
This function helps to determine what number of vertices to resample a surface with to obtain a desired point spacing. The input consists of in initial surface , defined by the faces F
and the vertices V
, and also the desired point spacing pointSpacing
. Next the function uses the surface Euler characteristic as well as knowledge of face area and point spacing changes for homogeneous face splitting (e.g. via subtri
), to determine the theoretical number of points
NV` a resampled surface should have to present with the desired point spacing.
— Functionjoingeom(G...)
Joins geometry
This function joins geometry defined for instance by multiple face and vertex sets into one such set. All geometry such be of the same type such that they can be joined. The input can for instance be n-sets of faces (or elemens) and vertices e.g. appearing as inpus as: F1,V1,F2,V2,...,FN,VN
— Functionquadbox(boxDim,boxEl)
Creates quadrilateral box mesh
This function uses the dimensions defined in boxDim
, and the number of elements listed for each direction in boxEl
to create a quadrilateral mesh for a box. The output consists of the faces F
, the vertices V
, and a face labelling C
(for the 6 sides of the box).
— Functiontribox(boxDim,pointSpacing)
Creates triangulated box mesh
This function uses the dimensions defined in boxDim
, and the desired point spacing defined by pointSpacing
, to create a triangulated mesh for a box. The output consists of the faces F
, the vertices V
, and a face labelling C
(for the 6 sides of the box).
— Functiontetbox(boxDim,pointSpacing; stringOpt = "paAqYQ",region_vol=nothing)
Creates tetrahedral box mesh
This function uses the dimensions defined in boxDim
, and the desired point spacing defined by pointSpacing
, to create a tetrahedral mesh for a box. The output consists of the elements E
, the vertices V
, the boundary faces Fb
, and the boundary face labelling Cb
(for the 6 sides of the box).